English 8

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Welcome to English 8--Miss Nolan, 3rd Period

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Our Class
Fiction & Nonfiction
We will be working with and analyzing both types of complex texts.
Writing & Composition
We will learn and practice several different types of writing.
Speaking, Listening, & Presenting
We will work on public speaking, making arguments, and critically listening and analyzing others' work.

Today's Class Summary
Tests, Quizzes, & Projects
A summary of each lesson will be linked to this website everyday. It is the perfect opportunity to review the day's content or catch up if you were absent. Links to pertinent content will also be available here.
Additional explanation and links to daily homework assignments will be available. You will also find links to further reading/research here.
Reminders of test and quiz dates will be found here. Links to study aids and additional resources will also appear here.                      

Content on this homepage will change periodically depending on what we're doing in class. To get us started for the year, review the following "Do's and Don'ts" for English class.

Also, please watch the following video about why we read literature.

Video by John Green courtesy of Crash Course

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Contact the instructor.
I (Miss Nolan) am always happy to answer any questions that may arise during the semester. Please feel free to contact me any time. My contact information is on the school web page. Or, you may call the school and request to be transferred to my class extension.

 Home | Class Summary | Homework | Tests, Quizzes, & Projects | Resources